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Testimonials from Isa'a clients
Testimonials From Some of Isa's Clients

I’m not sure I can put into words what working with Isa has meant and done for me.  I am stubborn and cynical by nature.  Rebellious with a hint (OK, maybe a bit more than a hint) of ADHD.  I never finish things I start if I don’t have to.  BUT – I finished my course with Isa as I could feel and see the changes in me.  I grew and expanded every single day.  I learnt to slow down, to look, to feel, to see, to understand, to delve, to soften and to heal.  Every aspect of my life is busy changing.  Everything is getting better. 

My ADHD, my relationships, my mental health! Isa made me see my world differently.  She opened me up just enough to rediscover my truth, my light, the beauty and help available around me.  My journey with her was more than just a spiritual journey.  It was also psychological.  Isa has helped me more than any shrink ever has.


Thank you, Isa, for never making me feel judged.  For holding space for me.  For being real and honest with me.  Thank you for restoring my relationship with myself.  I am stronger, more beautiful, kinder, and fiercer since you showed me what I have hidden in the dark caves of my soul.  Our journey is not over.  I want you as a part of my life forever.

If you are reading this because you are unsure of whether you should do this course with Isa – then this is your sign!

- Ilene Spaan Grace (Remote client) 

Isa I just wanted to thank you for our sessions, I am so relieved that I have found someone with your maturity to hold space. You remind me of the old world healers and witches, a time before all the new age glamors set in. Our sessions are deeply transformative, and I feel so safe with you. 

Thank you.

- Robyn Smith Viljoen (remote & in-person sessions)

I was fortunate enough to spend a full week with Isa doing Shadow Work in September 2021. The week proved to be a life-changing one for me…shadow work is an intense process where one needs to confront the forgotten, repressed and dark side of self. Isa's gentle manner in how she pulled and called my repressed self contributed greatly to me feeling safe and in a space of trust and care. The personal attention given to my journey was so appreciated and definitely contributed to my courage in facing my shadow self, my acceptance of and integration of light and dark and much needed healing of my spirit. No judgement, no critique, just pure love. Thank you, Isa, for investing in me.

- Nadia Maderthaner (in person & remote)

To say that the work I have done with Isa has been life-changing is an understatement.

I have had to dig deep to do the work that she has shown me.


Having never placed any value on my spiritual well-being, it came as a big shock to me after my daughter was born 5 years ago, and I stopped working, and I was actually lost and searching for something.

I continued to just wade through the days and my life,  subconsciously thinking that I needed to do something to ‘feel better’ 


I met Isa about 2 years ago, thinking I was ‘just going to have my energy realigned’ I laugh now at this, knowing how vulnerable I was (and still am) and how easy I thought ‘fixing myself ‘ would be.

I live mostly in my head ( something I understand now after meeting Isa), and I can say it was Grace that allowed me to be so open-minded about the things she has told me, shown me and explained to me.


I am in awe of her intuition and how quickly she can tap into my emotional state and be with me in this sometimes very dark space.


My husband ( an actuary who had no interest whatsoever in ‘this stuff’ and is all about tangible black-and-white concepts) was very interested in the things I was doing and learning with Isa and went for a session with her too. After that session, he fully supports the work that I am doing as he most certainly felt what I feel in her.


By no means is my journey complete. In fact, it’s only just started, but I am so grateful that I started with Isa and that I am so very blessed to continue with her.


It’s so hard for me personally this journey of self-discovery and learning of new concepts ( and unlearning of old beliefs) but it’s my declaration of self-love to do the work.

I trust Isa implicitly and would encourage anyone reading this who feels ‘something’ to have a session with her.

- Tracey Nobbs (in person & remote)

Isa provides such a beautiful space to heal and process emotions and one leaves not only with a feeling of improved health physically but also mentally, and with tools and ways of being that ensure sustainable changes in ones life. I cannot thank Isa enough for the difference she has made in my ability to live a wholehearted, healthy and empowered life.

- Bronwyn Gericke (in person)

"Sometimes you hear a call that pulls you towards certain things and people, and my journey with Isa Ka Ra was exactly that. I have been wanting to work with her for some time, and I was very happy that the opportunity was realised. 

Working with Isa is something really remarkable. I have learned and relearned so much, and she is very good at giving you the tools you need to do the work that needs doing. The containers that she creates are a space of safety to explore everything that needs to be brought to the light without judgment. Isa is a wealth of knowledge, and she shares her mind and her heart in such a liberated way that you always feel seen and heard.

Doing the work is messy and at times difficult, but I have been blessed by the guidance that was zero bull shit but filled with pure love, and the progress that I was able to make and the insights that were gained have been life-changing. Isa will hold your hand, but you still need to get down and dirty and be immersed in all the wonder that is to be experienced."


- Ewalda Bouwer (remote sessions & mentorship)

Taking part in a ceremony, course or healing session with Isa literally has the potential to change your life. She is a gifted, thorough and profound healing Master, whose integrity and genuine desire to help me bring myself to wholeness is an honour and a privilege to witness and participate in. To say she is highly recommended is somewhat of an understatement.

- Stella Douglas (in person & remote)

"I met Isa at a time in my life when it felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. Working with her through the Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation Journey was transformational and grounding and brought me back to myself when I needed it the most. Diving into each sphere in turn and working with the powerful meditations and embodiment activations was eye-opening, confronting at times and a much-needed process of "unravelling" and reconnecting back to myself.

Isa is the perfect guide - especially for someone like me who is used to being very logical and in my head and is new to this embodiment work. I highly recommend working with Isa and exploring all of the offers she has. I know I will be working with her for years to come."


- Lauren Rozwadowski (in person & remote)

I can quite honestly say that meeting and working with Isa Ka Ra has been life-changing in no small sense. Isa's guidance in remembering the sacred feminine is profound; finding this element that lies deep within all of us, especially when it calls to us, coming up in ways we don't yet understand, and having a guide that helps us to understand, to remember what has been lost or forgotten, has been invaluable. Isa is a powerful and nurturing space holder and teacher. Her deep connection to and within the realm of the 'soul' or 'spirit' is a powerful bridge in helping us to remember, to reconnect.


So much of our experience lies outside of what we can see, being held instead within what is felt or sensed, and having Isa's powerful ability as guide into this energetic portal is an incredible way to 'meet' again those that hold us, to remember the incredible network of all things that are interconnected, that we are a part of this web and not a sole, individual being; an essential reminder in today's fragmented world.


There is such a need to remember the absent Feminine in this sacred context. There is no wholesome, holistic way of being without remembering this part of ourselves, our stories, our spirituality. I can't recommend either this course or the one on one sessions with Isa more highly. It is an essential undertaking and deeply nourishing for all the forgotten, neglected, repressed parts of ourselves. Thank you for your great gift Isa, and for being so endlessly giving of your time, your energy and your talents for us all.

- Mika Marffy (Remote Client)

My life has been split into two halves, my life before the Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation (Goddess Energy Course) and my life after. It has been a deep and powerful journey, one that continues. I have found the space I want to create my life from, the space of being in love with all that I am. My eternal gratitude to Isa for lovingly and with great strength holding the container for learning, growth and love. Her guidance, connection, and wisdom will be with me always. 

- Louise Addis (in person)

I joined trying to have no expectations and yet having a handful of them; however, the direction this course took me was one I hadn't envisioned for myself, and I know on my most profound knowing is what I have planned for myself from birth. 

My testimonial 
I can not describe the experience of my Sacred Feminine Activation journey in words. Every woman in the world should go through this, and I recommend Isa for the lucky ones she has the time and energy to assist.

I have been initiated, and life before this activation looks like a prep course to have the basics I needed to embrace this journey I was born to live. 

In her wisdom, Isa helped me rise to higher realms, dive deeper within and descend to dark places with power and resolution, all with wholeheartedness and integrity. It was the embodiment of expansion. This course led me through a journey of picking up my bones, the scattered pieces, loving each of them, and mending back to bloom the high priestess I was meant to be.  

There, I saw the puzzle picture of me rising in Compassion. I found many of my guides and transmuted into an even better version of myself, more grounded, better rooted and in love with her, who is my GPS, the Great Pussy in the Sky! The Sacred Feminine.


With love,


Eman Luiza Marilac (Remote) 

The Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation was recommended to me by a trusted friend…had it not been, it is unlikely that I would’ve dared to venture into this unfamiliar territory. It was way out of my comfort zone, but I decided to embark on this journey because I was feeling, as many of us do, somewhat lost and purposeless. 


I began the course with a hefty pinch of scepticism and was prepared to pull out at any time if I felt too challenged or too uncomfortable!


I am pleased to say I felt both challenged and uncomfortable at times, but in every instance, these feelings were met with a new sense of grounding, love and absolute acceptance. 

Isa is, at first, a terrifyingly beautiful and innately powerful woman…all your insecurities will plead with you to stay away because her bullshit-o-meter is finely tuned and frighteningly accurate. She is also hilarious, wise and very, very kind. This course is clearly a labour of love on her part. Every aspect has been carefully considered and is purposely planned to assist you towards the realization of your sovereignty and purpose.


That is what I found in this time with Isa. I found my Sovereignty. I found that my purpose was waiting for me all along!


Thank you, wonderful Isa.

-Lucia Duncan  (in person & remote)

Isa created a space for me to go deep and feel truly supported. It was a journey I required! It brought me to more inner peace and I relaxed into myself. The journey of the Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation was incredible in all its diverse quests, expanding my interactions with myself. I use many of the tools and go back to the workbooks regularly, especially when things are difficult. That support is the gift that keeps me centred and aligned.

- Aneshka (remote)

A rewarding journey to find yourself.

I first started working with Isa, joining her Full Moon Ceremony Circles, my first impression of her was a gentle soul guiding us gracefully through each ceremony. After each ceremony, I felt a sense of calmness and excitement to get myself focused and aligned again.


After a few ceremonies, I felt very drawn to go on the Sacred Feminine Activation Journey that Isa offers, and this was one of the best decisions I have made this year!


Isa is an excellent mentor with a witty sense of humour (a huge bonus), inspiring wisdom, and calming energy. She holds a safe space during sessions that calms your energy so that you can express yourself fully and freely.


Speaking one’s mind is never an awkward situation with Isa, she listen’s, gives insightful advice and shares valuable skills that I will use for the rest of my life. It has been one of the most rewarding journeys I have been on, finally stepping into my Power with love and confidence. It’s been a privilege for me to work with this amazing soul to guide and support me every step of the journey. I highly recommend working with Isa!


- Natasha Meyer (remote)

"​I hadn’t participated in a cacao ceremony before and was a little anxious and excited leading up to the day. Isa Ka Ra - Gisela’s communication before the ceremony was comforting in terms of explaining the nature and purpose of the cacao ceremony. When I entered the ceremony room, I was blown away by the care that was used to prepare the room. It was evident that Isa put her entire being into her work, and it transformed into a visible passion. I had an incredible experience, which Isa gently guided. Her wisdom, patience and honesty is beautiful and refreshing. Thank you, Isa, for this magnificent journey."

- Nadia Maderthaner

"I found myself at the Conscious Woman’s Circle after a year-long journey to find my authentic self, the self I knew had always been with me and wanted to shine out. Attending the women's circle opened up a whole new path of discovery for me. The evening was spent under the guidance of Isa with her love for the divine Feminine and the other brave, strong, loving woman who attended. Seeing women come together in strength regardless of how weak they may have felt in the past was soul uplifting. There was a drumbeat of communion through out the experience. I am eternally grateful for the experience as it was both heart-opening and eye-opening."

- Louise AddisSpeaking on her experience attending a Conscious Woman’s Circle in the form of an Alchemy Cacao Ceremony. 

I started the Sacred Feminine Activation journey because I could sense that I was stuck energetically and struggling to integrate the concepts I was holding in my head. 


The framework Isa Ka Ra provided helped me uncover the bits that were missing for me, helped me connect it all, and created the flow I was looking for.

Although the work is never finished, today I'm more aligned within myself than I've ever been, and that's had an immeasurable effect on how I connect with others, how I communicate, how I manifest, and the direction I'm headed in. I can't recommend this work enough or thank her enough.

- Debbie Johnston (Remote client) 

I received a mesa reading from Isa recently and it was so empowering. Isa has a gift for reading her stones with wisdom and insight and the reading touched on so many subtle forces at play in my life. The mesa reading is like a living story transmitted directly from one’s soul on how the forces in our lives are weaving the past, present and future together. I highly recommend this beautiful offering.

- Robyn Smith Viljoen

A life-changing experience – If you have the chance to work with her just do it! 


I had the privilege and chance to work with Isa last year in her Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself in my life. Over a number of months, we went deep into unravelling parts remembering aspects of the divine feminine and forgotten parts that were longing to see the daylight again. Sitting with things I never had taken time for previously in my life. It has been a truly life-changing experience and I enjoyed every moment of it. Isa is one of those very special and beautiful people who hold strong energy with grace and softness, she is highly experienced and knowledgeable in life and many healing modalities. As her client, you feel held, heard, and at home. If you have the chance to work with her, just do it, and your future self will thank you.


- Sky Jalita De Waal (in person)

"I feel eternally grateful for signing up for the Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation (Goddess Alchemy Energy course) with Isa Ka Ra-Gisela. Firstly, she is a force to be reckoned with, and her deep Shamanic knowledge is a gift to all who meet her. Her course is deeply transformative and I highly recommend it if you are wanting to understand your chakras on a much deeper level. What I loved was the way in which we embodied each centre and spent four weeks in each space, peeling away and then relaying each centre with so much deep love and knowledge. This is the type of course that you could repeat every 7 months. It is magical. Isa has truly assisted me in stepping forward into my authenticity. I have learnt so much about myself and at times it’s been uncomfortable but through my shadows, I have birthed something that I’ve always wanted, a gift that has always been me. Isa works her deep insightful knowledge channelling ancient wisdom onto this earthly plane as guidance for us humans. Thank you for supporting me so that I am able to re-create the life that I so deeply wanted. This is not the ending but the beginning. This is a beautiful gift to give to yourself so that you can take your understanding of your energy centres and yourself to a whole new paradigm."


- Linda Green Heart  (in person & remote)

"I met Isa in 2018 and was drawn to her innate wisdom. At the time, I knew that I needed to do something with her, although at the time, it was not clear. During lockdown, Isa offered free daily meditations, “ From Isolation to Insulation “This had a profound effect on me as I learnt to meditate and gain some insight into a place that I had known before but had lost. Isa then offered the Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation course, an in-depth exploration of our energy centres and ourselves. I had not spent time with myself at this level for many years and had lost connection with who I really was. I am different today compared to when I started the course, and I am happy with who I am remembering and becoming. I feel that I have stepped into the path I need to be on and there is so much to learn but also so much I have to share. The course was created and shared with great wisdom, love and compassion. I am grateful that I started this journey with Isa, I know that I as continue in the process of my embodiment, I will continue to tap into her guidance, wisdom and strength."

- Jenni Stephen (in-person & remote)

Before the Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation Course, I lived from an injured male perspective where life was: • Measured and quantified • Constantly compared • About winning at all costs • Uphill battle – overcoming obstacles • Needing love, validation, and justification from others • Constant fear of rejection and not having enough Through the course, I identified that this block came from various childhood experiences which made me – rest my self-worth in the identity of being unworthy of love. This lack led me to be dominating in my life of the self and others – this constant state of lack and needing validation losing my primary source of income I became self-deprecating.


My epiphany happened during the sacral chakra process and I had the breakthrough- I realised that I get to choose, and I get to say if I’m worthy or not and lack is a state I decided. The minute I change my thinking it dawned on me that everything reproduces and that the divine feminine is the creator of abundance and that this abundance exists everywhere – I just need to choose and be present with it, to let go of my damage and allow the feminine within to nurse and heal me so I could transcend and transform -  I’ve since started an NPO that speaks to boys and girls about sexuality and teenage pregnancy and offer a safe space where young people can chat and engage and choose for themselves without being pressured by society. Thank you so much- life-altering experience


- Cheslin Twigg (remote)

"To me this was an experience of transcendence and validation. Stepping out of my comfort zone and putting my faith in radical trust. The Cacao ceremony with Isa offered me a sanctuary of actualization and safety.

It created a foundation where I could layer back the ego and step into a power of authenticity that no unaware individual is ever afforded. This experience has opened doors and beyond for me, a whole universe of discovery and endless beauty" 

-Vivienne Van Heerden

"I loved the beautiful space that Isa held and created for our sacred cacao ceremony. I could feel cacao working with me and urging me to use my voice and I sang a song as my sharing. That was a first for me as I felt safe to explore and share my heart with everyone. Thank you so much for the beautiful, powerful space you held!"- Berdine Bronkhorst

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